Thursday, June 14, 2007

Race to 100

The family started geocaching a year ago. We use our GPS to find caches in the woods. They are usually boxes filled with little toys and a logbook. The idea is to find the cache, log the find and trade items with something you brought. It really has been a great way for the family to get out and see places we would not normally go.

I set a goal to get my 100th cache find by my 1 year mark playing the game. This week was spent finding the remaining 10 or so caches to reach the goal. Kristi has been very patient with me this week to let me spend all of my free time looking for caches in the woods.

When we reached 99, I had a special cache in mind for #100. It was a cache that was placed over 2 years ago and had not been found. It was in a remote canyon on Cedar Mesa near Blanding. I had tried 2 times before to find it, but was turned away by darkness and snow each time.

Saturday I took Jed, Candice and Josh as well as Camryn and Carter. We started out to find #100. When we reached the canyon rim my GPS showed we were 1 mile from the cache. We started out climbing down the canyon on a "trail" that was really no more than a path a few others had used to get down the steep sides. When we got to the bottom we walked along the stream bed for about a mile to the cache. Finding it was great, and the goal was reached exactly 365 days from the time we found the first cache in Valley of the Gods.

Climbing out was challenging and we ended up traveling over 4 miles total to retrieve the find. We didn't take enough water and were rationing it in the end. When we got back to the cars everyone was tired and the kids were beat. They were great to hike that far with me, and I am sure not many kids have made the hike into that canyon.

The next goal is to find a geocache in all of Utah's 29 counties. I have made it to 8 so far.

It was a great weekend and everyone had a great time.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Start of the Blog

This blog was created to chronicle the adventures of the Redd family. We live in San Juan County, Utah. We think we have a pretty fun life and do a lot of really fun things. Hopefully this blog can be a way for family and friends to keep track of our adventures and our progress. We will also chronicle things to do in San Juan County. This is a really great place with TONS to do and we hope to let other people see that as well.

I am JB and along with my wife KL and our three kids Bams (7), Bugs (5) and Bear (1) we enjoy getting out and doing things together. We hate to spend a day inside, so we always look for an adventure that takes us outdoors.

We enjoy geocaching, golfing, hiking, camping and 4-wheeling.
The picture in the middle is Bams & Bugs resting at the Needles overlook in Canyonlands. The top one is Bear at Mexican Hat rock. You can see the rock in the back left. The bottom picture is caching near Lake Powell at Moki Canyon. We wore the kids completely out on this hike.

Check back weekly to see what we have been doing!