After our swim
Leaving on a fourwheeler ride while my wonderful husband cooked us dinner.
After our swim
Leaving on a fourwheeler ride while my wonderful husband cooked us dinner.
Waiting for the race to begin- nervously. At this point Marilyn was not happy with me.Finished swimming- and yeah I know there aren't really any other people around me, there were still a couple in the water but everyone else was on to the bike.
Jeremy was on the support staff and was in the lake to make sure I didn't die.
We made it and Marilyn forgave me.
Noelle beat us all and took first in her age group (why did she have to get all of the athletic ability of the family again???)
Jeremy J finishing. Shortly after we finished he got a call from Heather letting him know he needed to get home asap. He made it there about two hours before little McCoy was born- congrats to both of them.
My niece Jensen did the kid's triathlon the night before and did awesome. She took second (losing only to a Hiatt so pretty much that doesn't count). She did two laps in the pool followed by a two mile bike ride followed by a one mile run. At first I was asking why we didn't just sign up for that one but after watching them all I was pretty sure they would have beat me and that would have been a little embarrassing. I'm hoping that next year I can get Camryn and Carter to do it- we'll see.
Logan loved doing "cheers" all night.
Logan and Nicole gettin down.
Carter literally "gettin down" while dancin. On Sunday we were trying to figure out why his church pants had holes.
Aleyah Jenelle Lyman
My pinata
My cakes
The finished product- so cute.
Carter blowing out the candles on the cake- oh wait his mom forgot to bring the candles- oops.
I forgot to take a picture of all the kids at the party, in fact I only took a couple pictures at all but thanks to all of you that came and/or helped (especially Noelle and Marilyn). Carterbug- I promise next year we'll have a better party, I've learned my lesson and will not try to do things myself, happy 7 1/2th bud, love you.