Sunday, January 23, 2011


Saturday started out as "one of those days". As me and the kids were trying to get the house cleaned and I was losing my patience I got a text from Summer asking if me and Cam wanted to go for a ride with her and Kinley. I knew it was just what I needed. So we packed up the horses and headed south. We weren't sure where to go but on the way I thought of our Easter Picnic spot- Recapture pockets. It was perfect weather. We unloaded the horses and headed down the trail. After a few "attitude adjustments" to our horses who haven't been ridden much in the past few months we had a great time.
We stopped at "the pockets" for lunch. Cam and Kinley did some rock climbing while we gave the horses a break
Summer "cheesing", Kinley's hiding behind her
Two of my favorite cowgirls ever.
Thanks again girls, it was a great day..

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