Friday, April 10, 2009

So much to blog, so little time

I seriously have at least ten posts to do but just don't have time so here's a funny story that won't take too long that I thought I'd share:

My visiting teacher came over and she is in nursery with Logan and she said that the last week in nursery all of the kids were playing a game and she asked Logan if he wanted to play, to which he said:

"Do you know what SpongeBob would say about that?. . . Boooooooring"

I'll catch up soon I promise.


Rydgd said...

Oh, a Spongebob fan...I love this kid!

Heats said...

Ha Ha! In his defense, I am sure the game was booooring!!!

Stacy and family said...

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with Logan on this point. I feel that Spongebob is usually quite enthusiastic about games and adventures. A response of "Boooooooring" would be more Squidward's style.