Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Getting a little paranoid

I love blogging, I also love the idea of finding old friends that I've lost touch with through blogging. For this reason I have not wanted to go private, however it is a scary thing to list so much personal information on the internet for anyone and everyone to see. I've decided for a happy medium. I am going to omit all personal information from this blog (including names and the town we live in) and use nicknames for all future posts. So don't be confused if we all suddenly have strange names, it will be quite a process to go through all of the old posts and change the info there. I ask only if you leave comments to respect this and use our fake names. Hopefully everyone doesn't think I'm a freak but it will make me feel better at least.


Morkthefied said...

Totally understand. I went through a paranoid breakdown the other day. I was too lazy to do anything about it, though. I don't think going private is the answer either. Nicknames are a good choice. I have to admit that I do love blogging, but I feel less ... private. The other day a lady in the ward who I had no idea read my blog mentioned something about my blog, and even though it wasn't a big thing at all, it still made me feel uncomfortable.

Bev said...

I didn't realize Helen ever got paranoid about anything! I've gone back and forth about the whole private thing. If it makes you feel any better, they could find you if they really wanted to.